Introduction of Microsoft Office Part-1

MS Word 2007 and MS Word 2010 all function are almost same. so, you can use MS Word 2007 for Learning and you can use MS Word 10.

Today we are going to show how can we open MS Word 2007.

There have some option to open the MS Word Document. First we learn how we open MS Word Document  file Manually.  to Open Manually First Click on Keyboard Windows Key. Which is located on left down site of the key board. if you are finding this please look back to below picture. 

after pressing the window key, you will find a search option. here you write the word "MS Word" you will find a file like as marked picture. 

Search Option

after that click on the above marked option and then you will find the bellow picture. now  our MS Word file is open.

Secondly you can Open MS Word shortcut away which is given below,

where you want to create MS Office file go to the please and then click on your Mouse right Button
then select New there you will find MS Word Document. Click on it it will be open.

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